We love teams! Colon cancer awareness is finally starting to gain national prominence and your involvement means there is one more organization in the fight against colon cancer. Each year, thousands of American families are affected by this common but little discussed disease.
By participating in the 5K Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk, your organization and team join our growing movement to make colon cancer a disease of the past. Colon Screening for Life is a nonprofit on a mission to end preventable colon cancer death and suffering. Let’s walk, run, and jog for a world without colon cancer
Guidelines for Forming a Team
- A team is a group of 5 or more individuals that sign up as a team to participate in the Colon Screening for Life 5k Run/Walk and 1 Mile Walk.
- Team must be formed by Monday, May 26 and have 5 or more people to participate in early packet pick-up. Any team members registered after Monday, May 27 will pick up packets individually day of the event.
- Team members can be any combination of runners, walkers, adults, and/or children.
- Each team must have a team name and an assigned team captain.
- Corporate sponsored teams of 20 or more participants will receive a 20% discount. Please contact Laurie Townsend for more information.
Team Competition and Rewards
All team captains (excluding corporate teams) will be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift card. In addition, the team captain (excluding corporate sponsored teams) with the largest number of participants will receive a trophy and a $200 gift card. The largest team winner will not be entered into the team captain drawing.
- Each team member must complete a race registration form, either online at colonscreeningforlife.com or on paper.
- Remember when you register, to add your team name on the registration form and remind your team members to include team name when registering.
- The cost to register is $25 per person if you pre-register by/on June 13, $30 per person for late registration on/after June 13.
- When you purchase 3 registrations, you receive a 4th registration for free. You must register all on the same registration form.
Packet Pick-up for Large Teams
If you have a team of 20 or more and your team is registered by May 26, you can make arrangements with Laurie Townsend to pick up Team Packets early. For more information about forming a team, please contact Laurie Townsend at 812.266.2906 or ltownsend@colonscreeningforlife.com.